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Teva Learning Center Job Description

Dates: Fall Season: Beginning of September until Mid December; Spring: End of April until Beginning of June

Salary: $275+ (depending on experience) per 5-day work week, includes room for the entire contract period and board while programs are in session. All instructors will receive a $100 stipend for the training period.

Teva staff will also have the opportunity to work during some weekend programs for additional compensation.

In general, a work week is from Sunday 9:00 am to Thursday 6:00 p.m. During the fall program most Sundays are devoted to staff development and training. Experts in the fields of ecology, environmental education, Jewish environmental ethics, etc. run these seminars.

Students generally arrive on Mondays at 11:00 am and depart at approximately 2:00 pm on Thursdays.

Instructors are responsible for planning and running all programs during kvutzah (hiking group) time --generally Monday afternoons, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Thursday mornings.

Instructors are responsible for planning and running one chug (elective) per week.

Once a week, instructors are required to attend morning services with students and involve themselves as much as possible.

Instructors are responsible for running all evening programs.

Instructors will have 1.5 to 2.5 hours off each afternoon of full program days.

Instructors must be at all meals and will be asked to sit with students one day per week. All food is kosher and vegetarian, with vegan alternatives provided.

Instructors do not live with students. They live in winterized housing in single or double rooms. There will be a vegetarian kitchen available for staff use at all times.

During one specific weekend, all Teva staff may have to move out of their rooms. During this time, Teva will provide all staff with alternative lodging.

Instructors must have current CPR and First Aid certification.

***Paid internship positions are also available. Stipend is $150 per week. Interns have similar responsibilities as instructors except they always team teach.

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