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Teva Library

The Teva library currently holds over 400 books pertaining to Judaism, the environment, and outdoor education. This is arguably the most extensive collection addressing this topic. We offer a library session as one of the teacher classes in order to help you navigate through this collection and we would be happy to help you with your search for background material.


Below are four books that we believe are very useful and informative. The first three you can purchase directly from us, and the fourth is available through bookstore website of the Center for Environmental Education.

Let the Earth Teach You Torah
by Ellen Bernstein and Dan Fink

Curriculum best suited for the classroom environment. Twelve chapters, each a full lesson plan. Themes include: Blessings and Praise; Web of Life; Bal Tashchit; Shabbat: A Pause in the Cycles. This book is out of print and is only available through the Teva Learning Center.

Spirit in Nature: Teaching Judaism and Ecology on the Trail
by Matt Biers-Ariel, Deborah Newbrun, Michal Fox Smart
Publisher - Behrman House

Curriculum best suited for trail teaching. This book contains variations of many of the favorite Teva activities. It can be bought through any major bookstore ($12). A "must-have" for camp directors, counselors, teachers, rabbis, parents, youth group leaders, and community center workers.

Ecology and the Jewish Spirit: Where Nature and the Sacred Meet
Edited and with Introductions by Ellen Bernstein

Respected experts from all walks of Jewish life contribute essays on Jewish philosophy, law, anthropology, agriculture, and more. Through the use of biblical texts, the creation story, Jewish law, holidays, prayer, and more, they bring to light the long-neglected environmental themes that are native to Jewish tradition.

Blueprint for a Green School
by Jayni Chase

Blueprint for a Green School is the first full-coverage reference and guide to answer all your questions about environmental issues around the school--and show you how to solve the problems with clear understanding and confidence. This comprehensive resource organizes the topics--from asbestos to cleaning and science room supplies--in an accessible, logical, chapter by chapter format so you can go directly to the material you need.

Order from Center for Environmental Education

There are numerous educational resources available on the internet covering practically every topic imaginable. For an extensive look at useful and informative websites, check out our Resources page and the Teacher Resource Center. One website we would like to point out, however, is the COEJL Program Bank. This database of hundreds of programs allows you to search by holiday, topic, program type, target audience, and facility, and provides you with a complete lesson plan or program description. A priceless resource!

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