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Check out a student movie! Play some of your favorite Teva songs and even some songs sung by students attending Teva.

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Teva Songs
allgodscritters.mp3 All God's Critters Got a Place in the Choir (2.5mb)
Song by Mark Weinstock
Click here for Lyrics
decomposition.mp3 Decomposition (5.5mb)
Song by the staff of the Teva Learning Center, Fall 2002
Click here for Lyrics
how_much_psolet.mp3 Comah Psolet (3.2mb)
Song by the staff of the Teva Learning Center, Fall 2002
Songs and movies made by Students
adamah.mp3 Adamah (2.7mb)
Students from SSDS of Bergen County (Fall 2004) sings the Adamah song.
sanctuary.mp3 Sanctuary (1.4mb)
Students from SSDS of Bergen County (Fall 2004) sing the Sanctuary song.
salaam.mp3 Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu (2.6mb)
Students from SSDS of Bergen Conty (Fall 2004) sing Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu.
oo_wa_oo.mp3 Psolet Song(1.4mb)
Students from SSDS of Bergen County (Fall 2004) sing the Psolet song.
kids-decomposition.mp3 Decomposition (2.9mb)
Students from SSDS of Bergen County (Fall 2004) sing the Decomposition song.
peepers.mp3 Songs about Peepers (.7mb)
Yoni�s Kvutzah � 5th Grade Harry Halpern, 2004. Adapted from Rainbow Connection. Read the lyrics here.
leaves.mp3 Leaves are Very Colorful (1.4mb)
Yakir�s kvutzah, Nassau SSDS Fall 2004. A rap about the changing seasons. Read the lyrics here.
teva_movie.mov Eraser People (66mb)
Created by 6th grade students from SSS of Manhattan, Fall 2003
dance.mp3 Dance (.5mb)
Created in the Song Writing / Rap chug
dead_things.mp3 Dead Things (.4mb)
Created in the Song Writing / Rap chug
snowdayrap.mp3 Snow Day Rap (.6mb)
Created in the Song Writing / Rap chug
teva4you.mp3 Teva is There For You (.5mb)
Created in the Song Writing / Rap chug
trees.mp3 Trees (.9mb)
Created in the Song Writing / Rap chug
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